What is Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is known as endodontic treatment.  Root canal treatment is performed to clean the infected nerves in the canals of the tooth and to make tissue compatible, as a result of the loss of vitality of the structure called pulp in the internal structure of the tooth, which contains the nerves and blood vessels, due to various reasons such as the progression of tooth decay, fractures or cracks in the teeth, and the loss of effectiveness of previously made inappropriate restorations. It is the process of filling with materials.

If the inflamed or damaged pulp is not removed, it will cause infection in the tooth and surrounding tissues, cause pain and swelling, and if not intervened, the tooth will be lost.

Why is Root Canal Treatment Performed?

In cases where the nerve tissue or pulp of a tooth is damaged to a degree that cannot be healed or loses its vitality due to reasons such as caries, trauma, cracks or fractures, this tissue must be cleaned from that area. Otherwise, rotted debris may cause infection or tooth abscess.

As the infection progresses to the end of the root tip of the tooth, an abscess forms in the bone surrounding the root. This abscess causes the person to experience pain while chewing or spontaneously. In addition to causing severe pain, an abscess causes swelling that can spread around the tissues and, if left untreated, causes bone loss around the tooth root and tooth extraction.

When is Root Canal Treatment Necessary?

  • In the treatment of deep caries that extend to the nerve of the tooth
  • In the treatment of fractures that include the nerve of the tooth in case of trauma (impact, etc.)
  • In case of tooth sensitivity caused by advanced gum recession
  • In case of tooth sensitivity caused by severe wear
  • In cases where the nerves of the tooth are exposed in the treatment of crown restorations

However, conditions requiring root canal treatment may not always cause symptoms such as pain. In such a case, the decay in the tooth may not be noticed, or the inflammation around the tooth root may grow. Therefore, it is very important to monitor healthy teeth and tissues through routine examinations, including radiography.

How Root Canal Treatment is Done?

  • Depending on the results of oral examination and x-ray, it is determined whether root canal treatment will be performed on the tooth.
  • First of all, anesthesia is applied so that you do not feel any pain during the procedure.
  • The decayed tooth is cleaned down to the structure where its nerves are located.
    Nerve tissue, which we call pulp, is removed.
  • In root canals, special canal tools are used until the root tip. If necessary, a new x-ray is used to check whether we have reached the root tip.
  • The channel structure is expanded with special rotary tool systems,
  • The canals are washed with cleaning solutions that we call irrigant.
  • Depending on the condition of the tooth and the infection, it is decided whether it will be completed in a single session.
  • In root canal treatments completed in a single session, the canal is filled with canal filling materials up to the root tip.
  • In root canal treatments that cannot be completed in a single session, medications are sent into the canal and the tissues are expected to regain their health and the symptoms will disappear.
  • The superstructure restoration process of the tooth whose root canal treatment has been completed or has been dressed with medication is started.

How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Take?

Root canal treatment can be completed in one session or multiple sessions, depending on the severity of the infection in the tooth. In single-session treatments, the procedure is usually completed within an hour. The duration of the session may increase in cases of curved canals, narrow canals, or repeat root canal treatments. In cases where the root canal treatment cannot be completed in a single session, medication is placed inside the canals and covered with a temporary filling. The interval between sessions is generally one week, and the number of sessions is determined by the extent of the infection and the healing process.